
Therapeutic Breathwork

Therapeutic Breathwork

Therapeutic Breathwork


We love to blend breathwork with other therapies and even during our Kokoro Drills. That’s why we offer some free courses that dive into the science of breathing and explore different breathing techniques. It’s all about helping you find what works best for you!

Basically, breathwork is all about changing up the way you breathe on purpose. It’s any breathing exercise where you take control of your breath. Now, when we talk about specific breathwork programs, those are designed to teach you certain techniques in a special environment or with a specific goal in mind. It’s like finding the right vibe to really tap into the power of your breath!

Did you know that your brain, which makes up just about 2% of your total body weight, actually gobbles up around 20% of the oxygen you breathe in? That’s pretty wild! It craves a steady supply of oxygen to keep everything running smoothly—both physically and mentally. When our brains sense that there’s not enough oxygen—usually because we’re breathing too quickly and shallowly—it gets a little alarmed and kicks our sympathetic nervous system into gear, which is basically our body’s “fight or flight” response.
When we fall into the habit of shallow, rapid breathing (often called chest breathing), it can throw off the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in our bodies. This keeps that sympathetic nervous system on high alert, which isn’t great for our overall well-being.
But here’s the good news: if we take the time to breathe deeply and slowly—something we can practice through various breathwork techniques—we can help reset our nervous system. This not only boosts the oxygen flow to our brain but also helps lower carbon dioxide levels in our blood. Plus, it calms our brain wave activity, leading to a more relaxed and coordinated vibe throughout our whole body. So, next time you feel overwhelmed, remember that a few deep breaths could be just what you need to find your center again!


Popular breathwork exercises we offer

Rebirthing Breathwork

Archer Breathing

Breath of Fire

4-7-8 Breathing

tactical & Box Breathing

Pursed Lip Breathing

Alternate Nostril Breathing

Warrior Breathing

Pratiloma Breathing