

Blog 1: Escape & Evasion, which type are you?

What skills do you use to escape & evade reality? Are you inflicting pain on others or choose to damage yourself? Coping mechanisms are strategies to deal with stress. The way you…

Blog 2: Are you being bold?

The Hurt Locker is the first thought that comes to my mind, when I think of boldness. This movie is about an Iraq War Explosive Ordnance Disposal team (EOD). Character James is…

Blog 3: The blame game

Playing the “Blame-Game” is another form of shadow behavior. Blame is an expression of anger projected outwardly. It causes self-sabotage and keeps you in a victim state of mind. Freedom follows when…

Blog 4: The mental prison

How to express your personality without taking things personally? And what happens with your personality after experiencing institutionalization? These questions came to my mind last week, when I was supporting a young…

Blog 5: Daddy’s home

How love hurts…Did you ever hear someone talk about “unconditional love”? I did and did not believe in this at first. Until I became a father. A mother’s love for her child…

The act of letting go

Waiting to board my flight, I found myself repeating to myself “the act of letting go”. I was not sure why I was murmuring these words to myself repeatedly. Maybe because I…